Project Registry

Project Registry

Any builder or group who wishes to be considered for a grant will need to create a profile in the Project Registry. The Project Registry is a universal, on-chain registry of grant seekers. Once a project has a profile in the Project Registry, they are able to apply for any funding Round of any grants program built with the Allo Protocol.

The Project Registry helps grant seeking projects and grant programs by reducing effort for both parties. Projects will be able to complete a single profile to be used in many grant programs, and grant programs will be able to see a project's history in the Allo ecosystem to help decide if they will be included in the round.

In the Project Registry, profiles are given a unique ID that maps to their off-chain metadata. The off-chain metadata can contain information such as the project description.

Architecture diagram of how the Project Registry relates to Rounds

Representing a Project

Every project in the registry contains three main pieces of information:

  1. A unique ID - assigned by the registry when the project is created
  2. Project metadata - made up of a protocol id (i.e. 1 for IPFS) and a pointer to off-chain data (i.e. QmPMERYmqZtbHmqd2UzRhX9F4cixnMQU2GFa2hYAsQ6J3D (opens in a new tab)).
  3. A list of project owners - addresses that have the ability to update the project information

Registering a Project

A group that wishes to receive grant funding from any round on the Allo protocol must first register their project in the Project Registry.

To register, groups can use the Project Registry createProject(MetaPtr) method, where MetaPtr is the below struct:

struct MetaPtr {
    /// @notice Protocol ID corresponding to a specific protocol.
    /// More info at https://github.com/allo-protocol/contracts/blob/main/docs/MetaPtrProtocol.md
    uint256 protocol;
    /// @notice Pointer to fetch metadata for the specified protocol
    string pointer;
MetaPtr VariableDescriptionExample ValueNotes
protocolA protocol id that corresponds to an off-chain data location1Currently IPFS (id =1) is the only available protocol.
pointerPointer to the metadata in the provided protocolQmPMERYmqZtbHmqd2UzRhX9F4cixnMQU2GFa2hYAsQ6J3D (opens in a new tab)

You can learn more about the metadata and protocol IDs here (opens in a new tab).
For more information on storing and retrieving data through IPFS, check out the IPFS Docs (opens in a new tab).

When a project is successfully created the following will occur:

  • The unique projectID will be assigned
  • The project owner will be set to the address that called the createProject method
  • The project metadata will be updated
  • Two events will be emitted

Managing a Project

Updating Project Metadata

Metadata can be updated using

  • updateProjectMetadata(uint256 projectId,MetaPtr metadata) - overwrites the existing metadata information for the project.

An event will be emitted when the metadata is successfully updated.
Only a project owner can update the metadata.

Updating Project Owners

The project owner list can only be updated by an existing project owner. The initial owner is set to the address that called the createProject method.

There are two methods for updating the project owners:

  • addProjectOwner(uint256 projectId,address newOwner) - adds the newOwner address to the list of project owners for the given projectID
  • removeProjectOwner(uint256 projectId,address prevOwner,address owner) - removes prevOwner address from the list of owners and replaces it with the owner address

An event will be submitted when either function is successful.

Getting Project Data

Data on projects, like when they register and when they update their metadata, is exposed via events and indexed in a subgraph. If you want to build something that leverages the data in the Project Registry, we recommend using this subgraph. More details on the data available and how to integrate with The Graph are available in Integrating with the Project Registry.